Inspire Higher Panel at SJCC Milpitas Extension

March 30, 2018

Inspire Higher Panel at SJCC Milpitas Extension

This past week we delivered another successful Inspire Higher Panel presentation at the San Jose City College Milpitas Extension. With over 100 students in attendance, it was standing room only.

Silicon Valley Latino’s Inspire Higher Initiative engages numerous successful and inspiring Latino professionals. We ask them to share their journeys primarily through “The Inspire Higher Tour” - a high touch/high impact panel of diverse Latino professionals that visit schools with predominantly Latino students. Our end goal is to inspire Latino youth throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and expose them to exciting and rewarding careers in STEAM.

Through the Inspire Higher Program, we Inspire, Impact and Ignite our youth to aspire beyond the dreams they've previously had. Through this special program, we have sparked the interest and dreams of hundreds of youth over the last few years and we continue to build on this program through key strategic public/private partnerships.

Today we were delighted to feature another four exceptional Latinos:

They all shared their life's journeys in a very open, honest, authentic and inspiring manner. We want to thank San Jose City College Milpitas Extension, once again for sponsoring and presenting another exceptional panel. Special thanks to MUSD Superintendent Jordan and her team for collaborating with us in making today's Inspire Higher program a truly impactful event for our youth! Enjoy the video and photos from this very successful event!

If you are interested in bringing our Inspire Higher program to your school please reach us at

#CreoEnTi #Adelante

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