Local Laureates Assemble in Support of August Boeger Career Day

April 07, 2015

Local Laureates Assemble in Support of August Boeger Career Day

  “Now, on the road to freedom, I was pausing for a moment near Temuco and could hear the voice of the water that had taught me...” Pablo Neruda Nestled at the base of the East Foothills of San Jose, in the Mount Pleasant Elementary School District, resides August Boeger Middle School. On Thursday, April 2nd, there was an event that drew together a cosmopolitan group of dignitaries who served as diplomats of Silicon Valley success, presenting to the group of more than 600 students in attendance. photo 1The event would have pleased even Neruda himself, as professionals and university laureates mingled with the students, and shared their diverse backgrounds and career aspirations undaunted. Speakers presented in break out rooms of approximately 30 students. Among the notable professionals were graduates of Harvard, Santa Clara, and San Jose State University. In addition, the fair featured dignitaries from Google, IBM, Dreamworks, the Peace Corps, as well as, Alex Ontiveros of Silicon Valley Latino. August Boeger’s Student Advisor, Mr. Donati, stated, “We want to provide our students with a glimpse into their perspective futures, allowing them direct access to the many possibilities and opportunities that exist for them, here, in the Silicon Valley, from the professionals who have done it.” August Boeger Middle School serves a diverse student population that is approximately 75% Latino, and offers a rigorous curriculum embedded in 21st century learning skills.  With a talented and collaborative staff, they combine ability and passion to engage all students in learning that is designed to make students college and career ready. Educators guide students through PBLs, or Project Based Learning Units. These PBL’s allow students to actively learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving. Students develop skills in communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Boeger also boasts an AVID program that is well respected, and has connections to Stanford University, University of California at Berkeley, and San Jose State University. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a global program dedicated to closing the achievement gap by preparing all students for college and other postsecondary opportunities. As Neruda so eloquently stated, “It was passed from one bird to another...” so too, was this day for the dedicated students, professionals, and community of August Boeger Middle School. For more information on August Boeger Middle School, please check out their website at: http://ab.mpesd.org/  

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