Chilean/Spaniard Business Networking App startup - LaunchCard
January 18, 2015
We are glad to present these two latinos and their startup from a brief get together we were able to have in Santiago, Chile.
This business networking app startup looks to expand into all markets in the USA by allowing you to find the type of event you are looking for and then connect with like minded folks at those events.
What inspired you to come up with this idea? What problem are you trying to solve?

Initially the problem that inspired us to develop
Launchcard was born with our constant taste for attending business and entrepreneurship events in the cities where we traveled. We realized that there was a tool missing that was 100% mobile and that would let us know what events were occurring in the city during our stays. We also wanted to identify, in real time, during the course of these events with other people with like-minded tastes and interests so that businesses opportunities could flourish.
Thus was born Launchcard, as a social tool that, with just a few clicks, we can discover events and people with like-minded tastes and interests to improve business opportunities.
What’s your business model and how do you plan to monetize?
We began operating in three countries: United States, Chile and Spain. Specifically in the city of San Francisco, CA, Santiago de Chile and Seville in Spain ... we are allowing any event organizer to publish their events, for free, in our application by entering their event via our website. They can post launchcard your event, increase the diffusion of your event throughout the city through our application as a new distribution channel and thus also increasing ticket sales.
Launchcard also has a powerful Analitycs, networking and social tools for event organizers to interact with their assistants. We are able to lift data and metrics from the interactions that people make via launchcard during the events and provide this information to the event managers.
We will charge a fee on the sale of tickets via the application and receive payment from organizations that hire the Analitycs and social tools to interact with the attendees, before, during and after the event.
How are you different from your competition?
Our most direct competitors are Bizzabo, and we seek to provide a better experience for both event organizers and attendees. We want to give organizers a complete analysis of all the networking that is going on during the event. Besides offering competitive pricing and service we at launchcard seek real change in how our analysis will give you an in depth understanding of what is going on within your venue.
Where do you see your business in one (to three) year (s)?
We hope to be operating in various cities around the world. We want Launchcard to become a trend within mobile applications and among users to become a global service. Adding value to millions of people around the world as an established and highly accessible service.
Who are your partners (business partners, co-founders, etc)?
In Launchcard we are two partners co-founders,
José Pérez Rivas, (31) (CTO). Spanish currently living in Sevilla, Spain. Who runs the technical development of our service. And Sergio Povea Sáez (27) (CEO). A Chilean currently living between Chile and California.
Have you Received any investments? From Whom? For how much?
To date we develop our service with our own funds and with the support and guidance of a startup studio located in the city of Oakland, called which has played an important role incubating us. Our plans, within the coming months, is to go for our first round of fundraising in California.
What is your biggest challenge?
We believe that our greatest challenge is to turn Launchcard into an essential service which offers a great value to our users. We want to improve the way people connect and do business networking everyday and everywhere.
Everything goes back to Launchcard becoming a global trend.
What advice would you provide to other emerging Latino tech entrepreneurs?
Do not give up, do not stop for anything, to pursue their ideas, their dreams ... seeking opportunities and areas for development and growth. The growth of people is directly related to how you relate to others. Learn to appreciate the connections and relationships. And always consider the opportunities that are born by adding value to those around you.
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