Featuring Manuel Romero's timely "Alza La Mano" video on election day!
November 07, 2016
We are delighted to feature Cultura Ambassador, Manuel Romero's, great and timely video "Alza La Mano" on this election day. Alza La Mano translate to "raise your hand" however the message really translates beautifully to raise your voice and vote especially for those who are not able to do so during this election.
Manuel writes a beautiful song with such a strong message of love and unity. We would also like to thank Maggie Madueno, Director of the Saint Maria Goretti Children's Choir and the Children's Choir for collaborating with Manuel on this special project. We're also loving the video as it was also beautifully produced with amazing images.
Manuel we wish you much more continued success! Adelante!
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