Manos Accelerator 3rd Cohort Kick-Off

May 02, 2015

Manos Accelerator 3rd Cohort Kick-Off

  Recently Silicon Valley Latino had the pleasure of attending the Manos Accelerator 3rd Cohort Kick-Off where the 2015 Spring Class was presented to the community. This time the Kick-Off was hosted by Ernst & Young at their San Jose offices and it featured five exciting new start-ups. AMG_1062Dream Tuner – out of Miami, Fl, is a platform dedicated to helping independent and unsigned musicians achieve their dreams, MakeMyQuince – out Sacramento, Ca, is the first solution to bring online planning tools and crowd-funding to Quinceaneras   Shovel Apps –out of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is a flexible open source CMS and App Maker that lets you create awesome mobile applications for Andriod and IOS without coding skills SmileyGo – out of Berkeley, Ca, is a social enterprise that connects businesses and non-profits via its technological platform The Exchange – out of San Francisco, Ca, is creating synergy between digital and physical realities through wearable technology.   Over the next few weeks we will feature each of these start-ups one at a time so stay tuned!

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